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Because workers on a construction site are most at risk for injuries and fatalities that can occur onsite, they are in the unique position to recognize the factors that may endanger their health and s...

Research increasingly shows that lack of sleep not only affects work performance, but more importantly, it significantly affects safety. In high-risk fields such as construction, the effects of not ge...

Since fires can rage out of control in a matter of seconds, every moment counts when locating a water source to put out the flames. Fire hydrants that are readily visible assist emergency crews in res...

Snow and ice on winter roads roads can mask road markings, curbs, and other roadway delineations. These visual obstructions can create just as much of a hazard for drivers as  the severe weather ...

While a company's good safety record may well reflect a lack of accidents an injuries, that same safety record may also indicate the company is more profitable. Accidents and injuries cost companies a...

For crane operators, it‚s no small task to operate heavy and intricate machinery while at the same time ensuring safety for both workers and the public. There is certainly no shortage of hazards...

For those who work in hazard-prone industries such as construction, winter brings its own set of additional dangers when the mecury dips below freezing. But with a little bit of prep and planning, you...

Falls are the number one cause of job related injury. A surprising number of these falls are not from heights requiring a lanyard and harness, but merely slips, trips and falls on a flat surface. F...

For those who make a living outdoors, winter can pose a unique set of hazards not found in other occupations or in other seasons. Here are three of the most common hazards working in winter weather an...

 Personal Protective Equipment is essential for protecting workers, particularly those in the construction industry. But questions often arise regarding what PPE to wear and under what conditions...