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Fall Can Present Unique Hazards for Those Who Work Outdoors

October 24, 2016

Autumn can present some very unique hazards for those who work outdoors. Cooler temps and falling leaves are some of Fall's hallmarks than can cause illness or injuries. But with a bit of preparation, these hazards can be avoided. Here's how to protect against:

Slips, Trips and Falls: Slippery leaves pose a hazard on both walkways and roads, especially when they're wet. Clear leaves from walkways to ensure pedestrian safety. On the roads, wet leaves can be as slippery as ice so be sure to slow down and to refrain from hard braking when proceeding through leafy patches of road. Leaves can also obscure road markings such as lane lines so be attentive in eyeing road margins to stay in your lane.

Quickly Dropping Temps: In Fall, temperatures can fluctuate between freezing and balmy in the course of one day so having proper outerwear is a must and layering is essential. Starting out a crisp autumn morning with a hi-viz hoodie or bomber jacket. These can be removed as temps rise in the afternoon when a long or short sleeve hi-viz  t-shirt will provide sufficient comfort & protection.

Flu Season: Autumn is also known as Flu season. Having an annual Flu shot can go a long way in protecting against the latest strains of flu. Additionally, washing your hands as often as possible with protect from germs - but if soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used. Finally, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as germs are easily transmitted this way.